About me

My name is Fanie Reynders. I am a technical consultant, technology evangelist and former 7 times awarded Microsoft MVP that is obsessed with code, architecture and cool new tech. With more than 15 years experience in developing software, I found myself wearing many hats including developer, team lead, architect and CTO, and discovered my passion for teaching.
I love the tech community and have been actively involved in organizing meetups and conferences around the world, as well as speaking at some to share my five cents. Open Source excites me, so you are guaranteed to find me doing all sorts of random projects and experiments on GitHub and live on Twitch, but most of my videos are archived on YouTube. I have authored a book and written a couple of blog posts of things that makes me happy.
Feel free to contact me on Twitter (@FanieReynders), and LinkedIn. If you like what I write about, feel free to subscribe to my feed.