ASP.NET Core & Xamarin Workshop at Dutch.NET

Just last night my good friend & newly awarded MVP Gerald Versluis and I gave an end-to-end workshop on ASP.NET Core and Xamarin at our Dutch.NET meetup, where we built a native Pokémon app complete with a secure back-end API in just over 2 hours.

On the back-end I covered core concepts like Kestrel, Application Builder, WebHost Builder, Dependency Injection, Middleware, JWT token authentication, Configuration Model, Hosting Environment, User Secrets, Entity Framework as well as Controllers, Attribute Routing & Route Templates, Filters and Output Formatters from MVC Core.

After the break Gerald continued the talk by building the native Pokémon app from scratch using Xamarin Forms. Some of the stuff he covered are model binding in MVVM with FreshMvvm, connecting to a back-end using Refit, ListView templates with pull-to-refresh and implementing the client side security flow.

Unlike many other presentations about these topics this workshop addresses some practical scenarios we as developers face everyday in building solutions.

The source code is split into separate easy to follow steps (check the releases) and is available on our GitHub repos at and

This was our first event hosted for Dutch.NET and turned out to be a huge success having about 50 attendees enjoying good networking, pizza, beer (or soda) and Subway Lunchboxes sponsored by Microsoft - kudos guys!

Also a very special thank you goes out to Infi for providing the venue and hosting us.

I'm very excited to be part of this awesome community and can't wait for the next event.

Till next time.